1641 Scale: 1/72 Manufacturer: Academy, distributed by Model Rectifier Corp., 80 Newfield Ave., P.O. You can almost guarantee 2 ground kills and at the same time have at least the oppurtunity to defend yourself against air targets. Academy 1/72 scale Ju 87G-1 Stuka 'Tank Buster' By Walt Fink JanuKit: No. Not efficient way of having to do itĬonsidering Hans Rudel killed over 500 tanks in stukas, i dont know how many in the G variant, I kind of figured they might be more.dangerous? I mean considering you would by lucky to kill something using all your ammo, its more useful to come out in a D5. Kup teraz na za 56,29 z - REVELL Junkers Ju 87 G/D Tank Buster (13493152123). Since the only way to kills them reliably seems to be flying ground level straight at them, I have copped alot of fire from tanks main guns. I have even killed a sherman directly through his front armor with 1 round.And yet nothing happens but a hit register through the top armor. The Junkers Ju 87 or Stuka (from Sturzkampfflugzeug, dive bomber) is a German dive bomber and ground-attack aircraft. However I have killed shermans and kv-2s by trimming the trees and shooting directly through their side armor, at their respective ammo racks (the exception being the yak9t which kills everything, even tigers wtf)

i have put hundereds of rounds down through top armor and only lit up engines a handful of times.